When you are helping your child learn their spellings, the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ approach is the best:

  • LOOK: Encourage your child to look at the word to see the letters/patterns and their order.
  • SAY: Get your child to say the word and its spelling out loud e.g. “crown” – “C -R -O- W – N”  – “crown”.
  • COVER: Hide the word – cover it with your finger or a piece of paper.
  • WRITE: Get your child to write the word, saying the letters as they write them.
  • CHECK: Look again at the original spelling and check if the word was spelt correctly.

If the attempt was incorrect, repeat the ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’ strategy as above, as repetition helps.

If you would like more advice on helping with spelling, please talk to your child’s class teacher.

Further information with regards to helping your child with spellings at home can be found within the presentation document link below: